Transporter id. 29AAMCS7073E1Z0
Transporter id. 29AAMCS7073E1Z0
Transporter id. 29AAMCS7073E1Z0


Contact Details


Mr. Tushar / Mr. Jatin


C/o Jatin Transport Service Opp. Bhagwati Cable, Savarkundla - 364515

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98245 61503 / 94286 18600

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Economy of the location

Savarkundla is situated on the southern Saurashtra plateau. It is an area of hilly terrain. Ground water table is very low. The water contains a high level of total dissolved solids along with excess levels of sodium and phosphate. The water extracted from bore-wells is hot. 

The Navli river flows from south to north during the monsoon season. Moreover, this river flows exactly from the between of this town and thus dividing it in two parts: Savar and Kundla. Kundla is western bank of Navli and Savar lies on eastern bank.

Savarkundla is known for producing weighing scales. One third of its total population is connected to this industry. It is the only manufacturer of mechanical weighing scales in India. It is emerging as an assembly hub for electronic weighing scales.

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